Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Okay after a whole long term of visual communication we arrive at the ending point of both our submission date our paste it up the wall date also the freedom day.

and our Final work

our work before the spray

our final work after the spray. The pic here may appear different when viewed in life due to the terribly wrong exposure of light and the angle in which the picture is taken.

Due to the fact that when the paint were screen over the paper the paper developed an irregular texture and appeared ugly. However, after the use of transparent spray to create the vintage effect, the irregular texture fell right into place perfectly to replicate the feel of a vintage wallpaper.

Besides the texture and the play with transparent spray, we believe our biggest attraction and specialty of our wallpaper lies in the fact that we require those who views this wallpaper to view it through the camera or a phone camera to fully see what image we are trying to show. This is no play of tricks but merely how humans choose to see things. Up close humans choose to see parts in which is comfortable to the eye and pays less attention to what is surrounding it. We choose to verify every detail on a picture if it is fully covered with colors with no blank space yet if place a big white dot or circle on the same picture, we focus only on the white space. Why is this? this is because the whole picture is irregular and out of balance in which we try to find a spot to rest our eyes. However, if the colored parts and the blank parts are balanced we would look at the picture in its whole instead of just focusing the white area.

The same applies to our wallpaper in which the white are appears to take most of the space when viewed up close and if view from far, we would actually notice that the amount of black and white are actually balanced out. Using the space we are provided we shrouded that fact and played with it in way that we are required to use a camera to view the wallpaper. The camera reduces the size in which we view the wallpaper to compensate for the distance we need to be able to identify the hidden image in the wallpaper .

~The reason~

Now for the meaning behind the wallpaper. Tracing back to our comprehension of how a wallpaper should be, it should be something which attracts and at the same time appears as if nothing was there. In other words the perfect blend in, something which catches the eyes of people yet blends into the environment as to not affect the viewers. There are indeed really really annoying wallpapers which sole purpose is to attract people but at the same time cause uneasiness to its viewers. (Some can be seen in KLCC). However, our wallpaper tries to portray the meaning of wallpaper itself and more. We wanted people to be attracted by the hidden image from a distance and yet feel unaffected when close to it. This just shows how people are able to relate to something when viewing something from a distance and when things fall upon themselves they just fail to see the big picture. Besides that we also used the potrait of a person (leaving up the gender for you to guess) to relate back to people who stay alone as to feel the existance of another though superficial so that the person who not feel alone at all. Something in which why we want a home, so that feel a sense of belonging. We may not have a real person waiting at home but at least we have a person in a wallpaper waiting for us.

We tried many other images and believe the image we used fits what we are trying to tell people the best.

All in all wallpapers are there to entertain,to decorate and to help people feel that they actually belong somewhere and own something which others don't and we want our wallpaper to not only entertain but also to attract and blend in with the environment.

We are truly satisfied with our work.

p/s: the colored sentences is our rational incase if all the explanations and terms appears too confusing

Monday, November 3, 2008


OK all in all introductions to our final idea has been done and whatever we agreed upon ourselves has been fortified all that is left is the work to do and it ain't easy.

First of our handy tools should be introduced and once again i will introduce to u again the most important of all

the silkscreen and due to the fact that it was done in the darkroom we were unable to take any clear beautiful pics of it and neither were we able to take the pics of it after it has dried all due o the fact that we forgotten...(with my sincerest apologies i hope this small part would not cause our group to lose any marks)

next is the......

other things.

First we have the fabric dye which is well closed up in the small little bottle, then we have the squeegee which helps keep what we silk screen flat then we have the masking tape which keeps our work in place and black tape which helps us conceal parts we do not need, and last but not least the transparent spray which helps us flatten our wallpaper so that it looks shiny and also to create the vintage effect.

Now to the process

the process of black taping whatever we do not need

the process of cutting our life size silhouette. Why do this? not only we measure but we too have a life size reference to ensure that our work is as accurate as possible. Some may think this is futile but having something as close as possible to refer to ensures that our work is more accurate.

The try out to whether our screen is suitable for use and the screening process.

the work in progress and reference placed next to it

and this is our partially done work. next post will be the final outcome of our work

Our idea

~What we came up with~

So basically the final illustration of our work is

well this is the final outcome of our work and it takes reference from this~

well we may be asked why don't we put color into it and create the exact same thing but doing so would move people away from how our original idea would fare. Wallpaper is meant to be something simple yet special and anything too detailed may feel out of place and it placed side by sidecovering the four walls which surrounds us may end up causing the whole place to look compact and complicated. We keep to only one color which is black to compensate and balance back the areas which are white. And personally we feel that black and white is the best looking one due to the fact that it combines the feel of retro:vintage and contemporary wallpapers which are techno based.

and this little near big black and blue thingy is what we used to make whatever we envision to come true. Not the best and easiest way to do it but since its a requirement we don't really have any say in it lol.

~next post the progress~

~Pixel ARtness~

~Pixel Art~

~Due to the changes to our idea we arrived at a point where we were force to change our design and through this changes we noticed that our design could potentially contribute to a bigger version of pixel art.~

Pixel Art is said to be a form of digital art which is done on the scale of pixel size. Though recently named an art style of its' own,earlier work such as stitches ,mosaics and beadwork were considered to be pixel art due to the similarity of the outcome.

There are people who indeed debate with the fact that true pixel art are created using the pencil tool in the computer to properly create the art pixel by pixel. However, these days the range in which a work is considered pixel art has broaden.

Pixel art is different from the other style of art in a way in which we choose to create an art only from a dot no matter how big or how small a dot is. Being in a series of unsolvable debate, whether a dot is a dot goes back to each individual.

(The celebration of pixel arts)

~Pixel art lives both in and beyond computer screen. Artists design pixel art posters, magazine covers, album covers, desktop wallpapers, paintings, “pixelish” video ads and even pixelated tattoos. And there is a good reason behind it: in times when popular design solutions strive for real-life-look or perfection pixel art offers a distinctive and creative artistic approach which is extremely expressive. In fact, pixel art can be impressive as well.~

(referance:Smashing Magazine, pls refer to link)

All in all pixel could very well be one of the few very basic form of art and if based on my opinion could also be a very detailed piece of art work. The core of every art is to start with a dot and pixel art amplifies that dot in its own way.

Pixel on a wall

Done by hand not done by com

lovely poster

A simple work made to look sophisticated

Now for the more expressive works

Beautiful combination of vector art and pixel art

I cant believe people would actually tattoo this, expressive i guess XD


Pixel turned live

U know whose work is this ^^